Deadline for submitting the documents:
Room 409 – Ivanka Djakova - 8 November 2015
We are happy to announce that the VELUX Scholarship Programme will be prolonged for another semester due to remaining available scholarships. We would like to inform you that only International Business Academy (IBA) is able to accept students for Spring 2016 intake.
The scholarship if for talented, but financially disadvantaged young people (full-time university students at undergraduate level study programmes). They are given the opportunity to enroll at the International Business Academy (IBA) for one semester.
What are the requirements?
- Full-time student status (preferably undergraduate level)
- Social/financial disadvantageous background
- Relevant study to one of the study programmes at IBA
- Good academic results/qualifications
- Good English skills
How to apply?
Students have to send the following documents to your international office for pre-screening:
- Completed application form (please find attached)
- Transcript of records (from the current study programme)
- Documentation of financial status
- Recommendation letters from teachers
- English language exam (if there is any)
- Other relevant documentation to prove academic, social and financial status
- Copy of passport
In the attached application form you will find the available study programmes/semesters starting in February 2016. Please note – applicants have to choose a semester. It is NOT possible to take subjects from different semesters and study programmes.