BEP 2022 06, Aleksandar Vasilev, "Decomposing the Grey Economy in Bulgaria: A General-Equilibrium" (pdf)
(Full text)
Abstract: This paper attempts to assess the size of the grey economy, and provide a decomposition by evasion type. The modelling approach utilizes a standard micro-founded general-equilibrium setup, which is augmented with a revenue-extraction mechanism and a government sector. The model is calibrated to Bulgaria after the introduction of the currency board (1999-2018). A computational experiment performed within this setup estimates that on average, the size of total evasion is a bit more than one-fourth of output, an estimate which is in line with the figures provided in both Philip (2014) and the European Commission (2014). Two-thirds of the model-predicted evasion is a combined result of income- and social security evasion, while the rest is due to VAT evasion.
Keywords: tax evasion, general equilibrium, Bulgaria
JEL: D58, E26, H26, K42
Издаваната от Стопанския факултет и Центъра за икономически теории и стопански политики към СУ "Св. Климент Охридски" поредица от дискусионни материали (working paper series) Bulgarian Economic Papers (bep.bg) е индексирана от EconPapers на RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) и CEEOL (Central and Eastern European Online Library).
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