Студентите, избрани да участват в програмата University Innovation Fellows на Станфорд, представиха академичния си проект пред преподаватели и колеги от факултета на 17 октомври 2018 г. в деканския кабинет. Получената обратна връзка ще помогне за усъвършенстване на предприемаческия им проект, насочен към подобряване на дигиталната комуникация в Софийския университет.
Резюме на представянето:
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”- University Innovation Fellows 2018
Stakeholder meeting – Overview
We had our meeting at the 17th of October in the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. It was very helpful for us, because we were able to hear some new ideas and opinions. Overall, the feedback was very positive, but let’s first introduce you to what the presentation was about.
It started by introducing the audience to the UIF program. Those of them who didn’t know about it were very interested to hear more and we were excited to share everything with them. Then we talked about our own journey during the last six weeks, the tasks we had to do and how we did them. At the end of the presentation we shared our idea for the creation of an interactive online platform that would improve the communication between the students from all of the faculties, between the professors and last but not least – between the professors and the students. We believe that there are a lot of students in our university that want to start their own business but cannot find a good team to make it happen. This is the main problem that the platform solves – connecting the people who have great ideas but don’t know how to make them a business and those who study business and want to use the things they have learned in practice. The platform will serve as an online incubator for great business ideas, but with some additional useful features like the ability to watch the presentation of the teacher from the last row on your smartphone or the ability to receive a notification when the teacher changes the room for the next lecture, etc. This is why we will develop a mobile application to support the web-based platform.
At the end of the meeting we started talking with the stakeholders about every possible way to make the idea better. As previously written, the overall feedback was really positive. Some of them already knew about the idea, because we shared the details with them during the previous tasks. Nevertheless, there were some concerns related to the sustainability of the platform. One of the students in the audience shared that he had work on something similar in his high school and he told us that it has been working well until the moment he graduated and there was nobody to maintain it after him. To solve this problem we will try to make the platform grow on its own – it will be an open source software where everybody can post, not just the administrator, we will also promote it in front of the other students and show them the benefits of using it regularly.
We left the meeting full of positivism and excitement, because we knew that the university is behind us, ready to help and we knew that our platform was going to change the entrepreneurship ecosystem for the better.