Начало / Университетът / Факултети / Стопански факултет / Новини от факултета / Покана за участие на студентите на Стопанския факултет в CFA Research Challenge 2021-22




Българската CFA асоциация кани студентите на Стопанския факултет да се включат в CFA Research Challenge 2021-22.

Нека заинтересованите студенти да заявят своето участие до гл. ас. д-р Божидар Недев (Bozhidar.nedev@feb.uni-sofia.bg) до 12 януари 2022 г. включително. Максималният брой участници е 10 души, разпределени в два отбора.


The 2021-2022 Research Challenge spans Jan 2022 – March 2022 and consists of the following components:

  • Analysis of a publicly traded company listed on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange, this year the selected company is Allterco (https://allterco.com);
  • All company-related public information needed by you as a faculty advisor and your team(s) is available on the company website (https://allterco.com/en/for-investors/financial-results/consolidated-2021/ );
  • Your team(s) will be mentored by a professional research analyst CFA – the contact details of this person will be provided to you later in January 2022;
  • The written report should comply with the rules described in Appendix A and B (p. 16 & 17 from the attached file);
  • The written report due date: 18 FEB 2022;
  • Presentation in ppt. format (a summary of your written report) due date: 28 FEB 2022;
  • Local Final: (online event) - presentation of the research outcome to a high-profile panel of experts (CFA charterholders) – it should be a short presentation (only 5 mins) to reflect the most important milestones of your financial report and then a Q&A session (only 5 mins) from the jury panelists on 2nd March 2022. Details with exact time of your team presentation will be provided to you in February 2022.