* Five lectures from top ALBA faculty including ALBA Dean
* Lectures titles: “The European Union: A Dichotomous Model of Economic Growth”, “Review of European and Greek Credit Markets”, “Negotiations in the Eurozone: The Clash of cultures”, “Positive Leadership for organizational well - being”, “From Family Business to Technology start-ups: An Interactive journey through the entrepreneurship map of Greece”
* Visit to a collaborative workspace and interact with Greek start-ups.
* Visit to a Technology Park and meet innovative Greek companies.
* Interactive workshop with the Head of Career Office - How to build a network of people for enhancing your career.
* Role playing negotiations session
* Positive Leadership inspirational TedEx speaker
* Mingling with ALBA Graduate Business students
Four days program also includes: Athens Riviera visit, Sounio - Poseidon ancient Temple in sunset, Guided tour at Acropolis, half day at the beach for swimming and sunbathing, tips for Athens night life, and a roof garden cocktail night with the Acropolis view!
Price per student: €700 (€350 Euro for exchange partner Universities - СУ „Св. Климент Охридски“ е партньор) Price includes: hotel single room for 5 nights (Sunday-Friday), lunch for 3 days, bus for company visits, guided tour to Acropolis, coffee breaks in ALBA
Brochure link: http://www.alba.edu.gr/media/2054/summer-school-brochure.pdf
The summer Learning Experience is not credited.
Bonus tip: Any student who wants to organize a weekend to the Greek islands after the 4 days summer school, ALBA International office will help find the best option (ferry, air tickets, B&B etc)
Deadline is at the end of May
For contacts: Zoe Kourounakou, Director, Applied Research & International Relations ALBA Graduate Business School at The American College of Greece
t: +30 210 8964531 (ext. 2212)
skype: ZoeKourounakou
a: 6-8 Xenias Str., 115 28 Athens, Greece [ http://www.alba.edu.gr%3c http:/www.alba.edu.gr/]www.alba.edu.gr< http://www.alba.edu.gr/> e: zkouroun@alba.edu.gr