Начало / Университетът / Факултети / Биологически факултет / Катедри и самостоятелни звена / Катедри / Зоология и антропология / Преподаватели / доц. д-р Елена Ташева-Терзиева


каб. 341а
тел: 02 8167 276
e-mail: elena.tasheva@biofac.uni-sofia.bg


Служебен адрес бул. Драган Цанков № 8, София-1164, България
каб. № 341а
Образование 1979 - 1990 СУ "Св. Климент Охридски" БФ
Доктор, шифър Ентомология
Тема на дисертационния труд: "Биометричен анализ на метричните, таксономични белези, използвани в афидоложката литература"
Магистър, специалност Биология, специализация Зоология
Заемани длъжности доцент
Преподавателска дейност Зоология на безгръбначните животни, Биостатистика,
Математически методи в таксономията и фаунистиката (курс Таксономия и фаунистика),
Малакология, Голям практикум по Ентомология – Hemiptera (Aphididae)
Избрани публикации

Tasheva-Terzieva, E. 1999. Two new aphid species (Aphidodea, Homoptera) for Bulgarian fauna. - Acta entomologica bulgarica, vol. 5, N 2,3,4, 5-7.

Tasheva-Terzieva, E. 2001. Allometric patterns of basic morphological structures in aphids (Aphidodea, Homoptera). - Acta entomologica bulgarica, vol. 7, ) 1,2, 26 – 35.

Tasheva-Terzieva, E. 2004. Aphids (Homoptera, Aphidodea) from Eastern Rhodopes (Bulgaria). In: “Biodiversity of Bulgaria. 2. Biodiversity of the Eastern Rhodopes (Bulgaria and Greece).”, ed. by P. Beron, A. Popov, Pensoft & Nat. Mus. Natur. Hist., Sofia, 311 – 314.

Tasheva-Terzieva, E. 2004. A checklist of the aphids (Homoptera, Aphidodea) from the city of Sofia. In:”Ecology of the City of Sofia. Species and Communities in an Urban Enviroment.”, ed. By L. Penev, J. Niemela, D.J. Kotze & N. Chipev, 365 – 370.

Tasheva-Terzieva, E. 2005. Contribution to the Aphidofauna (Aphidodea, Homoptera) of the Vitosha mountain (Bulgaria) I. Annuaire de l’Universite de Sofia, Faculte de Biologie, 1 – Zoologie, 95, 105 – 109.

Tasheva-Terzieva, E. 2005. Brachycaudus populi (Del Guercio, 1911) (Aphididae, Homoptera) – a new species for the aphid fauna of Bulgaria. Annuaire de l’Universite de Sofia, Faculte de Biologie, 1 – Zoologiе, 95, 111 – 113.

Katsarov, A., Y. Yordanov, E. Tasheva – Terzieva. 2006. Sex determination of human humerus in bones and bone fragments – a new suggested formula. Acta morphologica et Anthropologica.

Tsankov, G., E. Tasheva, P. Mirchev, G. Georgiev, P. Petkov, M. Todorov. 2006. The dew produce, Monelliopsis caryae (Monell ex Riley & Monell, 1879) (Hemiptera:Ahididae) – new species for aphidofauna of Bulgaria. Acta entomologica bulgarica, vol. 12, № 1,2, 60 – 63.

Tsankov, G., G. Georgiev, P. Mirchev, P. Petkov, E. Tasheva. 2007. Aphids (Hemiptera:Ahididae) on Quercus spp. and Juglans nigra L. in Strandzha mountain. Acta entomologica bulgarica, vol. 13, № 1,2, 36 – 41.

Tasheva-Terzieva, E., R.Kostova. 2007. The challenges of e-learning in biostatistics for joining to European trends in high education. Union of Bulgarian Scientists in Stara Zagora. International Science Conference. 262 – 266. . http://www.sustz.com/docs/Papers/S7/P10.pdf

Kotzampigikis, A., D. Hristova, E. Tasheva. 2008. Distribution of Potato leafroll virus - PLRV and Potato virus Y- (PVYn) in a field experiment. Bulgarian journal of agricultural science. Vol. 14, 1, 56 – 67.

Tasheva-Terzieva, E. In press. A Checklist of the Aphids (Homoptera, Aphidodea) from Western Rhodopes (Bulgaria). in Biodiversity of Western Rhodopes (Bulgaria and Greece) II . Pensoft & Nat. Mus. Natur. Hist., Sofia.

Tasheva-Terzieva, E., T. Ilieva. In press. Morphometric analysis of natural and laboratory populations of Aphis gossypii Glover (Homoptera: Aphididae).

Tasheva-Terzieva, E., T. Ilieva. In press. A study on the static allometry and intraspecific variation in Myzus persicae Sulzer (Hemiptera, Aphididae).

Участия в национални и международни форуми

Tasheva-Terzieva, E. 2003. Project on web-based learning system in invertebrate zoology. – X Jubilee scientific session, Biological Faculty, Sofia University “St. Kl. Ohridski”, 20-21 November 2003, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Tasheva-Terzieva, E., R.Kostova. 2007. The challenges of e-learning in biostatistics for joining to European trends in high education. Union of Bulgarian Scientists in Stara Zagora. International Science Conference, 7-8 June 2007.

Tsankov, G., G. Georgiev, P. Mirchev, P. Petkov, E. Tasheva. 2007. Aphids (Hemiptera:Ahididae) on Quercus spp. and Juglans nigra L. in Strandzha mountain. ІХ Conference in Entomology, June 2007.

Tasheva-Terzieva, E. 2008. Identification of economically important aphid species – Aphis gossypii Glover and Myzus persicae Sulzer (Hemiptera, Aphididae). THIRD ANNUAL BALKAN WEEK OF PLANT HEALTH (ABWPH III), May 12–16, 2008.

Tasheva-Terzieva, E. , T. Ilieva. 2008. A study on the static allometry and intraspecific variation in Myzus persicae Sulzer (Hemiptera, Aphididae). Union of BulgarianScientists in Stara Zagora. International Science Conference, 5-6 June 2008.

Участия в национални и международни проекти 2005-2008 год. Изследване и оценка на биологичното разнообразие на биосферните резервати "Мантарица" и "Купена”, Родопи. Договор към ФНИ – МОН