Начало / Университетът / Факултети / Стопански факултет / Научна дейност / Конференции, семинари и специализации / Fourth International Student Econometrics Universiade - Lomonosov Moscow State University




Lomonosov Moscow State University is pleased to invite you to the Fourth International Student Econometrics Universiade, which will take place on the 24th – 26th of April 2015.

Only 3rd-4th year students may apply to Universiade. The team representing one university or department consists of three students and an accompanying teacher (only one team from each department can participate in the Universiade). In addition up to seven students who are not representing the core team can take part in the individual tour.
All the questions related to the organization and holding of the Universiade may be sent to: ask.ecm.econ.msu@gmail.com or you can phone us +79031192832.

Please note that the participant party bears all the travel, accommodation and meal costs.

For further information and news about the Universiade-2015, please, visit our website: www.university-ecm.com. Registration form will be available on the website after 20th of January.


Organizers of MSU Econometrics Universiade 2015