Лекции по International Business Transactions при проф. Sarah Hobbs от University of Arkansas, гост-преподавател в Стопанския факултет по програма Фулбрайт през летния семестър - всеки вторник, 16-18 ч., зала 400
Избираема дисциплина за студентите в бакалавърските програми от I до IV курс, 2 кредита
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Видео представяне на проф. Хобс
Sarah Howard Jenkins Hobbs, Charles C. Baum Distinguished Professor of Law, University of Arkansas at Little Rock Bowen School of Law
- challenges her students to develop a commitment to diligence and competence in the study and practice of the law
- works to ensure parity among the diverse interests in commercial law through her scholarship and participation in the quasi-legislative legal reform processes of the American Bar Association
- a member of the prestigious American Law Institute
- former Chair of the ABA UCC Subcommittee on UCC Article 1 and the Subcommittee on Payment Systems
- Chair of the Association of American Law Schools Section on Commercial and Related Consumer Law, 2012-2013
- author of volume 13 of the Revised Corbin on Contracts, one of the leading and most highly regarded summaries of contract law in print
- published extensively on Commercial Law issues
- organized several symposia of distinguished domestic scholars on significant legal issues
- recipient of UALR Bowen School of Law Faculty Excellence Award for Research, 2003 & 2011
- nominated by individual students in 1993, 2003, 2005, and 2011 for UALR Bowen School of Law Faculty Excellence Award for Teaching.