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BEP 2024 03, Henrik Egbert, "Reuse Markets: Embedded in Capitalism" (pdf)

Full Text



The paper addresses the growing popularity of markets for reuse and repair (RR) in a developed economy. The reasons behind the growth of these markets remain an open research question, which could be attributed to changing consumer preferences and/or as an effect of multiple exogenous shocks on societies. The paper contributes to the predominantly anthropological research on the topic by employing a market-oriented entrepreneurial perspective. The methodology involves participant observation by actively engaging as a trader in micro activities to exploit arbitrage opportunities. The findings suggest that the traditional economic model of rational actors is well-suited to analyse individual actions in these markets. It is observed that these markets do not necessarily require integration into complex social constructs. Effective trust-building arrangements with low transaction costs facilitate market transactions between strangers. The research implies the importance of markets at the micro level, especially in times when political actors at the macro level favour market interventions.


Keywords: second-hand markets, reuse and repair activities, economic approach to anthropology, informal market, consumption, eBay Kleinanzeigen


JEL code: D12, O17, R22, Z13



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Издаваната от Стопанския факултет и Центъра за икономически теории и стопански политики към СУ "Св. Климент Охридски" поредица от дискусионни материали (working paper series) Bulgarian Economic Papers (bep.bg) е индексирана от EconPapers на RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) и CEEOL (Central and Eastern European Online Library).


В поредицата (ISSN: 2367-7082) се приемат текстове в областта на икономиката и стопанското управление с фокус върху проблеми на Югоизточна Европа и бившите стопанства в преход, без да се изключват глобални проблеми на икономическата теория и практика. Изследванията могат да имат емпиричен характер или да развиват и прилагат теоретични модели.